@inproceedings{AliAbbood2015VCBM, booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine}, editor = {Katja B\"uhler and Lars Linsen and Nigel W. John}, title = {{Visualisation of PET data in the Fly Algorithm}}, author = {{Ali Abbood}, Zainab and Rocchisani, Jean-Marie and Vidal, Franck P.}, year = {2015}, pages = {211--212}, publisher = {The Eurographics Association}, issn = {2070-5786}, isbn = {978-3-905674-82-8}, doi = {10.2312/vcbm.20151227}, abstract = {We use the Fly algorithm, an artificial evolution strategy, to reconstruct positron emission tomography (PET) images. The algorithm iteratively optimises the position of 3D points. It eventually produces a point cloud, which needs to be voxelised to produce volume data that can be used with conventional medical image software. However, resulting voxel data is noisy. In our test case with 6,400 points the normalised cross-correlation (NCC) between the reference and the reconstruction is 85.53\%; with 25,600 points it is 93.60\%. This paper introduces a more robust 3D voxelisation method based on implicit modelling using metaballs to overcome this limitation. With metaballs, the NCC with 6,400 points increases up to 92.21\%; and up to 96.26\% with 25,600 points.}, pdf = {pdf/AliAbbood2015VCBM.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Vidal2015VCBM, booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine}, editor = {Katja B\"uhler and Lars Linsen and Nigel W. John}, title = {{Simulated Motion Artefact in Computed Tomography}}, author = {Vidal, Franck P. and Villard, Pierre-Fr\'ed\'eric}, year = {2015}, pages = {213--214}, publisher = {The Eurographics Association}, issn = {2070-5786}, isbn = {978-3-905674-82-8}, doi = {10.2312/vcbm.20151228}, abstract = {We propose a simulation framework to simulate the computed tomography acquisition process. It includes five components: anatomic data, respiration modelling, automatic parametrisation, X-ray simulation, and tomography reconstruction. It is used to generate motion artefacts in reconstructed CT volumes. Our framework can be used to evaluate CT reconstruction algorithm with motion artefact correction in a controlled environment.}, pdf = {pdf/Vidal2015VCBM.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Bello2010VR, author = {F. Bello and T. R. Coles and D. A. Gould and C. J. Hughes and N. W. John and F. P. Vidal and S. Watt}, title = {The Need to Touch Medical Virtual Environments?}, booktitle = {IEEE Virtual Reality 2010 (VR2010), Workshop on Medical Virtual Environments}, year = 2010, month = mar, address = {Waltham, Massachusetts}, annotation = {Mar~21, 2010}, note = {Available online at http://www.hpv.cs.bangor.ac.uk/vr10-med/}, url = {http://www.hpv.cs.bangor.ac.uk/vr10-med/Papers/Bello-TheNeedToTouchMedicalVE.pdf}, abstract = {Haptics technologies are frequently used in virtual environments to allow participants to touch virtual objects. Medical applications are no exception and a wide variety of commercial and bespoke haptics hardware solutions have been employed to aid in the simulation of medical procedures. Intuitively the use of haptics will improve the training of the task. However, little evidence has been published to prove that this is indeed the case. In the paper we summarise the available evidence and use a case study from interventional radiology to discuss the question of how important is it to touch medical virtual environments?}, keywords = {Haptics, virtual environments, touch}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} }
@inproceedings{Vidal2009MIC, author = {F. P. Vidal and J. Louchet and \'E. Lutton and {J.-M.} Rocchisani}, title = {{PET} Reconstruction Using a Cooperative Coevolution Strategy in {LOR} Space}, booktitle = {IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record}, year = 2009, pages = {3363-3366}, month = oct, address = {Orlando, Florida}, annotation = {Oct~25--31, 2012}, abstract = {This paper presents preliminary results of a novel method that takes advantage of artificial evolution for positron emission tomography (PET) reconstruction. Fully 3D tomographic reconstruction in PET requires high computing power and leads to many challenges. To date, the use of such methods is still restricted due to the heavy computing power needed. Evolutionary algorithms have proven to be efficient optimisation techniques in various domains. However the use of evolutionary computation in tomographic reconstruction has been largely overlooked. We propose a computer-based algorithm for fully 3D reconstruction in PET based on artificial evolution and evaluate its relevance.}, keywords = {Positron emission tomography, genetic algorithms, optimization methods}, doi = {10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401758}, publisher = {IEEE} }
@inproceedings{John2009CMBE, author = {N. W. John and C. Hughes and S. Pop and F. P. Vidal and O. Buckley}, title = {Computational Requirements of the Virtual Patient}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE 2009)}, year = 2009, pages = {140-143}, month = jun, address = {Swansea, UK}, annotation = {Jun~29--Jul~1, 2009}, abstract = {Medical visualization in a hospital can be used to aid training, diagnosis, and pre- and intra-operative planning. In such an application, a virtual representation of a patient is needed that is interactive, can be viewed in three dimensions (3D), and simulates physiological processes that change over time. This paper highlights some of the computational challenges of implementing a real time simulation of a virtual patient, when accuracy can be traded-off against speed. Illustrations are provided using projects from our research based on Grid-based visualization, through to use of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).}, keywords = {Medical visualization, virtual environment, Grid, GPU} }
@inproceedings{Gould2008CIRCE, author = {D. A. Gould and F. P. Vidal and C. Hughes and P. F. Villard and V. Luboz and N. W. John and F. Bello and A. Bulpitt and V. Gough and D. O. Kessel}, title = {Interventional radiology core skills simulation: mid term status of the {CR{\it a}IVE} projects}, booktitle = {Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe 2008 (CIRCE 2008)}, year = 2008, series = {Electronic Poster}, pages = {P~130}, month = sep, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, annotation = {Sept~13--17, 2008} }
@inproceedings{Vidal2008MICCAI, author = {F. P. Vidal and A. E. Healey and N. W. John and D. A. Gould}, title = {Force Penetration of Chiba Needles for Haptic Rendering in Ultrasound Guided Needle Puncture Training Simulator}, booktitle = {MICCAI 2008 -- Workshop on Needle Steering: Recent Results and Future Opportunities}, year = 2008, month = sep, address = {New York}, annotation = {Sept~6, 2008}, note = {Available at http://lcsr.jhu.edu/NeedleSteering/Workshop/Vidal.html}, url = {http://lcsr.jhu.edu/NeedleSteering/Workshop/Vidal.html}, pdf = {pdf/MICCAI2008Abstract.pdf} }
@inproceedings{Debouzy2003EGMedPrize, author = {G. Debouzy and F. Vidal and D. Deprez and S. Keswani and J. Warren and P. Cosson}, title = {Virtual Radiographic Environment}, booktitle = {Eurographics 2003 Medical Prize}, year = 2003, month = sep, address = {Granada, Spain}, annotation = {Sept~1--5, 2003}, pdf = {pdf/eg2003-mp-cosson.pdf} }
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