Ideal CT scan of a multi-material sample

Written by: Franck Vidal
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This notebook shows how to simulate a CT scan acquisition with gVXR and reconstruct the corresponding CT volume with CIL.

Aims of this session

  1. Understand the notion of pixel size in the context of a cone-beam geometry and how the magnification affects it.
  2. Use OpenSCAD to generate a section of electric cable and save the geometries in STL files.
  3. Combine two models made of two different types of material, one chemical element (copper), one a compound (PVC).
  4. Simulate an ideal cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan acquisition based on an actual experiment performed with the Dual Tube High Energy (DTHE) device by RX Solutions at INSA Lyon.
  5. Demonstrate how to reconstruct the corresponding CT volume with the Core Imaging Library (CIL).
  6. Save the reconstructed slices as a TIFF stack using 16-bit unsigned integers.
  7. Explore the reconstructed volume and illustrate the partial view artefacts due to the partial view effect on the first and last slices.