Ideal CT scan of a multi-material sample
Written by: Franck Vidal
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This notebook shows how to simulate a CT scan acquisition with gVXR and reconstruct the corresponding CT volume with CIL.
Aims of this session
- Understand the notion of pixel size in the context of a cone-beam geometry and how the magnification affects it.
- Use OpenSCAD to generate a section of electric cable and save the geometries in STL files.
- Combine two models made of two different types of material, one chemical element (copper), one a compound (PVC).
- Simulate an ideal cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan acquisition based on an actual experiment performed with the Dual Tube High Energy (DTHE) device by RX Solutions at INSA Lyon.
- Demonstrate how to reconstruct the corresponding CT volume with the Core Imaging Library (CIL).
- Save the reconstructed slices as a TIFF stack using 16-bit unsigned integers.
- Explore the reconstructed volume and illustrate the partial view artefacts due to the partial view effect on the first and last slices.